If you have received a concoction
a play, a playlist or a spell
Then you will understand how random
Yet carefully thought out that was.
If you have received a meal
Advice or even a warm smile
Then you will remember how my eyes quivered
as I tried to tip toe around your feelings
conscious or sub-coconscious
present or future tense
If you have lent me an ear
Then you know nothing.
I don't get what I give
And I don't labour over the absence of an alternative
If you have held my wrists in a time previous to this one
Then you will recall that
You were probably the only one who noticed
Or rather, the only one brave enough to look
I know you said nothing
But the silence echoed above everything I once believed in
Which at the time was like rhinestones pelting against my chest
My lungs and my felt
too soft to attend to
too jaded to get through
If you have received a concoction
a meal, a playlist or a word
Then you will understand that
Sometimes it requires a lot of different
Sensible and insensible things
For my love to make sense
It takes breaking down, re-imagination and a sort of magical approach
to seeing what I see
an undoubtable strain of insanity and alchemy
thrown into the premise of whatever
my shape shifting mood will present you
a crow with time to bring you pebbles
an Icarus, with an affinity for the fall
rather than the fly.
There we go again with the digression.
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