Brief Commercial Break - The Jester (someone forgot his birthday)

My darlin'

You sit perched on the edge of your world. 

Weaving the lasso 

Dangling your feet 

174 beats 

you are serene chaos

I made a pact with the moon that, 

until you lassoed it, 

I'd keep it company. 

Company in the form of words

Company in the form of drugs we've never tried before

Because hey, maybe if I feel what you feel in a curated way, 

I'd be able to fully explain myself. 

Perhaps I have yet to let you know that I am different now

An anarchist lost in a chaotic neutral cycle of debauchery and expensive tea

A nihilist in that; I hate that music

But its the only thing that keeps me sane

gliding on a 174 plane 

I couldn't skip a beat

You balance banter

Like butter

Silk silver tongue 

It was more appealing when they were young

But they've aged now

Waited and waited 

While you played your mistakes out

Wrong wording, wrong timing

You're a slave now

To a friendship where they're your boss 

They call the orders and the shots

So you escape town

On the fringe of her bangs

You can't help but feel the panic 

Are you a jester or a joker?

or a relief for her manic

Time is running out so you provoke her

She's tired but she finds you funny 

So she plays the song

And plays along

It's not the same thing 

But she says your thoughts are stunning 

your words still leave her alone 

stuck looking for a signal or a status 

A note of a general peering through the stratus 

Ripped apart her thighs to fit in a perfect pair of blue shorts 

or was it a yellow dress 

Really it was all an impress, 

foulant banter why'd you throw me under the bus?

Running across fields 

To be soaked in rain

Letting them be confused again 

Why is the Jack still in his hand?

Why wont he take a stand?

Woven cardigan 

A symbol of effort 

but again 

Fever dream 

light steam

off the back of my neck

I honestly wished i hadn't double checked 

double backed, double shot, doubled down just to transcend 

Je ne comprend pas tu parle vu avec 

That guy who never really tried to take a sec

But since you have to know...

Let's put it all back, per spec




But that's all behind us now

isn't it Sasaki?

I find the edge of the earth 

running from a big black bull, with charcoal eyes

You're sitting on the edge trying to disguise 

your despise

You're familiar 

the way a mirror is familiar 

and so I sit

Little didn't i think i was on the brink

an arcade fire booming 

a modern man freed into a cage of a body

I wanted to tell you you're it

You're the insomniance.

The endless search for sleep

You're the amnesiac

The counterfeit productivity 

The flexibility of my sadness

The chasm

The fall and the fly 

The novice in the room who has my subliminal allegiance 

The night light that kept me aflight

Afloat? Sinking and sinking 

Too much thinking  

So I wrote, wrote, wrote

Goddammit.... flies on the wall

So many fucking flies on the wall

Indigo socks in the corner 

Missing lighter 

Fighter jet maniac 

Come here, sit down!

Sit down, Come here!

I asked you if it was okay for me to come in

I wanted you to say no!

But then I would have wanted you to say why 

then when 

then again you never did say anything to me about me

just to them about your friend 

or was it your foe

or was it just another window 

for the necessary blow 

quickly! your ambitions might stay beneath the fingernails 

you want to get saved by life 

not in the way you think and it's deafening 

you want tragedy to lick behind your ears 

like all your fears alike 

You want them run towards you like lightening 

with a sudden discipline, threshold 

a balance just for you 

so that you can write again, so you can feel again 

so that somehow you can show her you can 

but can you?

Write motion, wrong girl.

Right words, left behind.



Why are you writing like you regret something?

    Because I don't 

    Because I did 

    Because I want to again 

    Because what else are we supposed to do

Do you though? 

   Perhaps it's more the idea of ideation losing its own touch on me

Happy Birthday. 

You will see it, when you see it. 

You will feel it, if you want. 

I do, genuinely appreciate you. 

Whether you know it or not. 

Whether you believe it or not. 

I've abandoned the part of me that 

Yielded at the thought of doubt 

I've grown nibble almost submissive

to allowing and even admiring the drowning 

of non believers

conversations about convincing mothers and friends 

have grown calloused in yet another attempt 

at being decent

I'm not Hide.

I made a pact with the moon


until you lassoed it, 

I'd keep it company. 

Company in the form of words

Company in the form of drugs we've never tried before

Because hey, maybe if I feel what you feel in a curated way, 

I'd be able to fully explain myself. 

Until then, I hope you get everything you want.

Even the things you don't think you deserve.

If I could have it back
All the time that we wasted
I’d only waste it again
If I could have it back

All of the time that we've wasted
You know I would love to waste it again
Waste it again and again and again
I forgot to ask

Sometimes I can’t believe it
I’m moving past the feeling again

The moon told me your secrets

That we worship in the same way

Get lost in the same way 

Die everyday in the same way 

Live to die in the passive tone 

the blame game, the trap 

the commitment to the routine 

the desperate panting 

the screaming from beneath your skin 

saw you do a line and I wanted line 

saw you live a lie and I wanted a lie 

The Moon told me your secrets 

Apparently we are insane in the same way 

Quiet in the same way 


Nobody forgot your fucking Birthday

