Komorebi No. 4 - If wishes were horses, I'd be less of this.

In an effort to reclaim my authority, 

I have thrust myself over the edge. 

Cast myself out of the home like a witch with a burning urge.

Here we are five fucking years later and it's a different battle but a battle nonetheless. 

I don't want to fight. 

I want a peaceful life. Love flowing from my chest. An abundance of wealth in books and trees and cranberry juice. 

Hips swaying in the subset of sunsets I photograph.

Diamonds cooling our foreheads. 

Gold seeking ends. 

Friends that frankly are worthy of the anxiety. 

Meals and stories shared. 

Secret laughs about boys we like over the sink. 

Wine drunk giggling, from within. 

A light song in the background. 

My sunlight beaming in his own world.

Life against life.

Effort against effort.

But here I am.

Still shaking. Still standing still. 

- Clementine Anne Strachan 
